
汪志勇 教授
发布时间:2019-04-26 09:12:59


长期从事统计物理、()凝聚态物理领域的理论和模拟方面的研究工作,当前主要涉及复杂系统的相变理论、软物质表面与界面物理、胶体/聚合物物理、纳米离子通道、能量转换与储存、以及低维材料计算设计与物性预测等相关研究方向。已在各类SCI源刊累计发表30篇学术论文,总引用频次达700+(Google Scholar)。率先报道了界面电荷巨反转现象,并揭示了其背后的物理机制,对有争议的问题给出了新证据,为实验物理研究提供了有效的解释和预言;在合适静电耦合强度下的平面受限电解液系统中,通过摒弃化学因素的干扰,发现界面电荷离散基团与溶液高价补偿离子的静电复合(Bjerrum Pairing)能普适地驱动极性逆转现象,拓展了人们对长程关联多体系统中镜像电荷相互作用的传统认知,并进一步揭示了“同性相吸”[Like(Real Charges) Likes Like(Image Charges) through an Intermediator of Unlikes(Surface Groups)]的物理根源。研究成果曾被美国物理联合会新闻(AIP News) “Giant charge reversal observed for the first time: Confined fluids give rise to new electrostatic phenomena” 为题滚动刊出,并被EurekAlert! (Science News)Science DailyPhysics News (PHYS.ORG)Chem EuropeInnovations Report等多种科技新闻媒体全文转载报道。承担计算物理热力学与统计物理的教学任务。

Email: zywang(at)swu.edu.cn & zywanglss(at)gmail.com



金沙游戏官网人才引进基金 swu019021, 2019.07-2022.06


国家自然科学基金 11774041, 2018.01-2021.12


重庆市基础科学与前沿技术研究专项重点基金 cstc2015jcyjBX0056, 2015.12-2018.12


重庆市自然科学基金 cstc2012jjA00019, 2012.09-2015.08


国家自然科学基金 11104364, 2012.01-2014.12


[1] K. Sheng, B. Zhang, H.-K. Yuan, and Z.-Y. Wang

Strain-engineered topological phase transitions in ferrovalley 2H-RuCl2 monolayer

Physical Review B, 105, 195312 (2022)

[2] K. Sheng, Q. Chen, H.-K. Yuan, and Z.-Y. Wang

Monolayer CeI2: An intrinsic room-temperature ferrovalley semiconductor

Physical Review B, 105, 075304 (2022)

[3] K. Sheng, H.-K. Yuan, and Z.-Y. Wang

Monolayers gadolinium halides GdX2 (X = F, Cl, Br): intrinsic ferrovalley materials with spontaneous spin and valley polarizations

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 24, 3865-3874 (2022)

[4] K. Sheng, H.-K. Yuan, and Z.-Y. Wang

Intrinsic ferromagnetism in 2D h-CrC semiconductors with strong magnetic anisotropy and high Curie temperatures

Journal of Materials Chemistry C (Hot Paper by Editors’ Choice), 9, 16495-16505 (2021)

[5] Z.-Y. Wang, T. Yang, and X. Wang

Structural analysis of confined monovalent salts: Combined effects of steric hindrance, surface charge representation, and dielectric response

Electrochimica Acta, 336, 135707 (2020)

[6] Q. Duan, J. Ji, X. Hong, Y. Fu, C. Wang, K. Zhou, X. Liu, H. Yang, and Z.-Y. Wang

Design of hole-transport-material free CH3NH3PbI3/CsSnI3 all-perovskite heterojunction efficient solar cells by device simulation

Solar Energy (ESI Highly Cited Paper As of Mar 2021-Feb 2022), 120, 213-218 (2020)

[7] K. Sheng, Z.-Y. Wang, H.-K. Yuan, and H. Chen

Two-dimensional hexagonal manganese carbide monolayer with intrinsic ferromagnetism and half-metallicity

New Journal of Physics, 22, 103049 (2020)

[8] T. Liao, H. Zhang, and Z.-Y. Wang

Improved Design of a Thermophotovoltaic Device

IEEE Transactions on Electron Devices, 62, 4709-4712 (2020)

[9] Z.-Y. Wang, P. Zhang, and Z. Ma

On the physics of both surface overcharging and charge reversal at heterophase interfaces

Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 20, 4118-4128 (2018)

[10] Z.-Y. Wang and J. Wu

Ion association at discretely-charged dielectric interfaces: Giant charge inversion

Journal of Chemical Physics (Featured Article: AIP News), 147, 024703 (2017)

[11] Z.-Y. Wang and Z. Ma

Examining the Contributions of Image-Charge Forces to Charge Reversal: Discrete Versus Continuum Modeling of Surface Charges

Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation, 12, 2880-2888 (2016)

[12] Z.-Y. Wang

Charge reversal at a planar boundary between two dielectrics

Physical Review E (Highlights in Kaleidoscope), 93, 012605 (2016)

[13]Z.-Y. Wang

Image-induced overcharging in the weakly charged surfaces

Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment, (2016), 043205

[14] Z.-Y. Wang, Z. Ma, and Y.-Q. Ma

Suppression and promotion of charge inversion in the presence of multivalent coions

Physical Review E (Rapid Communication), 92, 060303(R) (2015)

[15]Q. Liang, Q.-Y. Wu, and Z.-Y. Wang

Effect of hydrophobic mismatch on domain formation and peptide sorting in the multicomponent lipid bilayers in the presence of immobilized peptides

Journal of Chemical Physics (Image for Outside Front Cover), 141, 074702 (2014)

[16] Y.-P. Xie, Z.-Y. Wang, and Z. F. Hou

The phase stability and elastic properties of MgZn2 and Mg4Zn7 in Mg-Zn alloys

Scripta Materialia, 68, 495-498 (2013)

[17] Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. Ma

Computational evidence of two driving mechanisms for overcharging in an electric double layer near the point of zero charge

Physical Review E (Brief Report), 85, 062501 (2012)

[18] X.-W. Wang, D.-Y. Zhang, S.-Q. Tang, L.-J. Xie, Z.-Y. Wang, and L.-M. Kuang

Photonic two-qubit parity gate with tiny cross-Kerr nonlinearity

Physical Review A, 85, 052326 (2012)

[19] Z.-Y. Wang, Y.-P. Xie, Q. Liang, Z. Ma, and J. Wei

Looking deeper into the structure of mixed electric double layers near the point of zero charge

Journal of Chemical Physics, 137, 174707; 249902(E) (2012)

[20] Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. Ma

A molecular simulation study on the role of ionic size and dielectric images in near-surface ion distribution far from the strong-coupling limit

Journal of Chemical Physics, 136, 234701 (2012)

[21] Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. Ma

Impact of Headgroup Charges, Ionic Sizes, and Dielectric Images on Charge Inversion: A Monte Carlo Simulation Study

Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 114, 13386-13392 (2010)

[22] Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. Ma

Insights from Monte Carlo simulations on charge inversion of planar electric double layers in mixtures of asymmetric electrolytes

Journal of Chemical Physics, 133, 064704 (2010)

[23] Z.-Y. Wang and Y.-Q. Ma

Monte Carlo determination of mixed electrolytes next to a planar dielectric interface with different surface charge distributions

Journal of Chemical Physics, 131, 244715 (2009)

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